Kamis, 23 April 2020

FOUND HIGH LEVEL OF CLORIN AND AMONIUM Result of combined riset at Surabaya River and Kalimas River

Kliping Koran Jawapos Edisi 21/4/2020
SURABAYA,- Hazard material in Surabaya River and Kalimas River is still high. needed people awareness and assertive policy to bring back main quality river on that metropolitan city.
the badnesses of water river quality can be seen from the result of reseach test water sample by Woman Paralegal Surabaya River (PPKS) Wadulink, ECOTON, on 15-16 April 2020. there are 7 point of water sample that took in Mlirip, Wringinanom, Sumengko, Karang Pilang, Joyoboyo, Monkasel dan Petekan. from metering in that 7 point generaly the water quality is droping from hulu to hilir.
Member of PPKS Sofi Azilan explain one of the parameter that can be seen is DO or Dissolved Oxigen in the water. in hulu of Surabaya River which is at the Mlirip point, the D
beside DO, another physical and chemical paremeter that cause this droping water quality are clorin and amonium that fill Surabaya River and Kalimas River. Sofi explain that level of highest free clorin are found in some point that is Sumengko, Karang Pilang, and the highest in Kalimas near MONKASEL. "High free clorin also found in Karang Pilang" reveald the Public Health Stuent Sofi.
Another parameter that cause Surabaya River poluted is many level of amonium. house hoold activity such as shower, washing, and latrine or MCK that the waste directly discarded to the river and make whe water poluttion the higher it is.

O is still 4.7 ppm. and that level is still higher compared with standart river quality level 3 that 4.0 ppm. "However when we take sampling in wringinanom towards to Petekan the DO is only 1,4ppm" she said yesterday (20/4)
(This article translated from : Jawa Pos Printed Newspaper Selasa 21/April/2020)

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