Keterangan Gambar samping : Sekitar 25 orang penggiat lingkungan dari Lembaga Kajian Ekologi dan Konservasi Lahan Basah (ECOTON) melakukan kegiatan aksi pada tanggal 22 Maret 2022 pukul 09.00 WIB yang berlokasi di perempatan Jalan Raya Wringinanom Depan Masjid. Penggiat ECOTON ini dimulai keberangkatan pada Gedung Inspirasi ECOTON secara bersama-sama dengan jalan kaki sekitar 900 meter dengan membentang poster yang bertulisan tentang fakta dan ajakan kepada masyarakat sekitar dan menggunakan megaphone untuk menyuarakan terkait kegiatan yang dilakukan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan harapan untuk memperingati Hari Air Sedunia. Hal ini juga telah ditetapkan pada Konferensi PBB tentang Lingkungan dan Pembangunan bahwa peringatan terkait keberadaan air dengan adanya Hari Air Sedunia atau World Day for Water. Peringatan Hari Air Sedunia dimulai sejak tanggal 22 Desember 1992 di Rio de Janerio, Brazil bertepatan dengan Sidang Umum PBB ke 47. Pada saat itu, PBB menetapkan 22 Maret sebagai Hari Air Sedunia. Hari Air Sedunia merupakan salah satu bentuk kepedulian terhadap kelangkaan air yang ada di muka bumi.
Jumat, 25 Maret 2022
Kamis, 10 Maret 2022
Aksi Tolak kpi sachet digelar tim CO-ENSIS dan Relawan ESN (10/3/2022) |
Selasa, 08 Maret 2022
Ecoton’s Education Exhibition of The Hazards of Plastic Sachets in Wonosalam
Visitor Pose in the plastic bottle waste aisle (3/3/2022) |
Ecoton Foundation together with Nusantara River expedition team held an educational exhibition on the dangers of plastic entitled "Reject Sachetan Coffee" at Kedai Tanah Senja yard, Wonosalam Village, Wonosalam District, Jombang, Thursday (3/3/2022). This activity intend to convey river conditions and educate cafe visitors about the dangers of single-use plastic. In this exhibition, participants are invited to observe microplastics in the waters as well as observe them under a microscope. "Exhibition visitors not only see photo displays but also practice to identify microplastics by taking samples of river water and observe it under a microscope," said Kholid Basyaiban.
Inviting the Community to Preserve the River, ESN Holds an Exhibition on the River
Kamis, 03 Maret 2022
Asyiknya berpose didalam lorong botol plastik dan pameran tolak kopi sachet (3/3/2022) |
Pengunjung berpose dalam lorong sampah botol plastik (3/3/2022) |
Rabu, 02 Maret 2022
Nusantara River Expedition Finds the Threat of Sachet Waste in Upper Brantas
The Brand Audit found sachet waste blocking the flow of the river (27/2) |
Nusantara River Expedition or Indonesia River Expedition (IRE) Activities collaborates with the Water Police conducted a brand audit activity and succeeded in collecting 200 pieces of plastic waste, which were dominated by food wrap sachets. “We collect and pick up trash that drifts and gets stuck in the Gogor River, a tributary of the Brantas River in Wonosalam, Jombang. We then classify them based on the brands and factories that make these products,” said Arum Wismaningsih, a member of Ecoton, an alumnus of Biology at the University of Jember.
Nusantara River Expedition, Monitor River Conditions in Indonesia
Prigi explains how to monitor water quality with bioindicators, Sunday (27/2) |
Madura Strait Waters Polluted with Microplastics, Prioritize Waste Management
In January 2022, several students of the Marine Science study program at Trunojoyo University, Madura, examined the condition of the waters of the Madura Strait. As a result, the waters of the Madura Strait are contaminated with microplastics. From this study, it was shown that microplastics in sediment and water had the most types of fragments, and the least amount of foam.
Indonesian Rivers Are Dying, Ecoton Holds Nusantara River Expedition
Sunday (27/2), they did a soft launch in Wonosalam, Jombang, with journalists, students and environmental activists |
river expedition team exploring the steep hills of South Aceh, July 2022 Riding a 2018 Honda CRF 150 cc Trail Motorcycle, Prigi Arisandi and...