Rabu, 15 Januari 2025

Bikin Instalasi Seni Kran Air Plastik, Nina Ajak Kurangi Pemakaian Plastik

(Gresik, 16/Januari/2025) "Instalasi ini kami adaptasikan dari karya instalasi Von Wong, saat kami bertemu di Ottawa, Kanada saya berdiskusi dan beberapa waktu lalu saya menghubungi Von Wong untuk menduplikasi karyanya berupa kran yang mengalirkan plastik" Ungkap Nina, Penerima IDN times Youth Climate Warrior 2025 menambahkan bahwa seni instalasi ini juga di tambahi dengan fakta yang terjadi saat ini berupa produksi sampah plastik yang berlebihan, sehingga dalam instalasi ini terdapat 2 replika manusia yang tenggelam dalam sampah plastik dan patung bayi yang terlilit plastik Instalasi Seni berupa Kran yang mengalirkan plastik terpasang di depan Museum Sampah Plastik komunitas River Warrior Di Desa Wringinanom. 

Instalasi kran plastik ini adalah pesan kami kepada semua pihak untuk segera menutup kran yang mengalirkan sampah plastik agar bumi kita tidak banjir plastik” ungkap Aeshnina Azzahara aqilani, lebih lanjut Koordinator Komunitas River Warrior ini menjelaskan bahwa saat ini bumi sedang mengalami krisis iklim yang disebabkan oleh krisis plastik. “Sampah plastik yang tidak terkelola telah mencemari laut, Indonesia menjadi negara ketiga setelah India dan Nigeria yang menyumbangkan sampah plastik kelautan” ungkap Nina, panggilan Aeshnina Azzahara aqilani.

"Nina : Reduce Plastic Pollution and Climate Crisis, Turn Off the Tap!"

(Gresik, Indonesia- 16/January/2025) The River Warrior community installed a plastic-flowing faucet art installation in front of the Plastic Waste Museum in Wringinanom Village Gresik regent East Java Indonesia. "This art installation conveys our message to all parties to stop plastic waste immediately, preventing our planet from drowning in plastic," said Aeshnina Azzahara Aqilani, Coordinator of River Warrior. The art installation created by the River Warrior Indonesia Community features a brass faucet emitting plastic bottle waste to a height of 3.5 meters. The plastic waste submerges two human replicas holding posters that read "Stop Plastic Production" and "Stop Plastic Pollution." In addition to the two human replicas, a red-colored fetus entangled in plastic is also displayed. "This art installation depicts the plastic crisis that drowns humans in plastic waste and fetuses in mothers' wombs wrapped in plastic. Through this installation, we want to invite all of humanity to reduce the use of single-use plastics and stop plastic production," said Nina.

Get to Know Aeshnina, Young Activist Who Wrote to Prabowo Asking Indonesia to Stop Plastic Production

 Aeshnina, recipient of the IDN Times Youth Climate Warriors 2025

Key Points
• Aeshnina Azzahra Aqilani (17), an environmental activist, has received the IDN Times Youth Climate Warriors 2025 award.
• Aeshnina sent a letter to President Prabowo Subianto asking Indonesia to limit plastic production.
• Microplastics are contaminating all aspects of life, and Aeshnina hopes Indonesia will become cleaner from plastic pollution.

Nina Surati Prabowo, Minta Pemerintah Batasi Produksi Plastik

Sumber : https://www.suarasurabaya.net/info-grafis/2021/bocah-asal-gresik-jadi-pembicara-termuda-plastic-health-summit-2021/

Gresik - Aeshnina Azzahra Aqilani, seorang pelajar dan aktivis lingkungan belia asal Gresik, Jawa Timur, menulis surat yang ditujukan kepada Presiden Republik Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto. Dalam suratnya, ia meminta agar pemerintah segera mengambil langkah tegas dalam membatasi produksi plastik untuk mengatasi krisis pencemaran plastik yang semakin berdampak negatif bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia.

Dalam surat yang ia tulis, Nina menyampaikan bahaya mikroplastik terhadap kesehatan manusia, termasuk penemuan mikroplastik dalam berbagai bagian organ tubuh manusia seperti darah, paru-paru, sperma, plasenta, dan ginjal. “Dari penelitian oleh berbagai literatur, dijelaskan bahwa mikroplastik bisa menyebabkan gangguan hormon, peradangan, hingga penyakit serius seperti kanker dan penyakit jantung,” ujar Nina yang masih duduk di bangku kelas 12 SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Gresik.

Young Environmental Activist Writes to Indonesian President, Urges Government to Limit Plastic Production that Pollutes the Environment

Gresik – Aeshnina Azzahra Aqilani, a student and young environmental activist from Gresik, East Java, has written a letter to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto. In her letter, she calls on the government to take immediate and decisive action in limiting plastic production to address the growing plastic pollution crisis, which is having a negative impact on the environment and human health.

In the letter, Nina highlights the dangers of microplastics to human health, including the discovery of microplastics in various organs of the human body such as blood, lungs, sperm, placenta, and kidneys. "Research from various studies explains that microplastics can cause hormonal disruption, inflammation, and even serious diseases like cancer and heart disease," said Nina, who is currently in her 12th grade at Muhammadiyah 10 High School in Gresik.
